Monday, January 24, 2005

Folks are back from India..and look who they brought with 'em!

So in the last month or so, one of my uncles moved here from India. 53 years old. Never been outside of India. Never been around any diversity. Think about it. My uncle has never seen a Mexican. So I like to screw with him. I just tell him that they're Pakistani. You should hear him when he calls back home to India.

"You won't believe this, but in America..all the Pakistanis work in construction!"

I giggle.
He's clueless.
Fun times had by all

So now another uncle along with his 20 year old son will be moving here to stay .. and now, supposedly, his son is having a bit of a "behavior" problem. Great. Now I have to keep tabs on this kid just to make sure he doesn't get intrigued by the wannabe gangstas in Garland and come back one day from his ESL class at Richland Community College with "Thug Life" tatted on his chest. Did I also mention that he has slight cholesterol problems? Meaning Bye Bye fast food. It's been great knowing you.

Fig Leaf Salad anyone?

I assume that at some point it will be my responsibility to help him assimilate/adjust into normal everyday life here...meaning he'll have to hang out with cousin Paul to see how he lives. But I'm not the right guy to take life lessons from. The last thing my uncle would need is to find out his son is ditching his future as a computer engineer to pursue the glamorous world of stand-up comedy.

My dad could barely take it and he's seen BET's Comicview.

I blog like I brush.
After every meal.


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