Wednesday, January 26, 2005

It's either this or cocaine

Are blogs nerdy? Are they a sign of boredom?

Yes....yes they are

But they have now become my creative outlet.
- To hell with fingerpainting
- No more humorous letters to my 50cent a month Cambodian penpal

Dear Pho Pa,
So I love cooking, but I hate the preparation.

Cutting onions always makes me cry.
And then I was watching Food Network and they said if you want to prevent tears, you should cut the onions underwater.
But I can't swim.

And I feel silly wearing an innertube just to make fajitas.
I hope that takes away the sting of what was no doubt an intense work week for you.
By the way, could you hook me up with the new Michael Vick Nikes?

Now before I get criticism for a sweatshop joke, keep in parents are from India and they made the Adidas sweatpants that I'm wearing right now.
Isn't it strange that if I didn't have a creative outlet like this, that I could quite possibly become a dope fiend?

Thank you Without you, I'd be hittin the pipe.


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