Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I have a note..

To: Mr. Blogspot
1200 Lackuv Drive
Dallas, Texas 75040

I am writing to explain the events of Tuesday, September 27th, that prompted me to miss the 2nd Blogger.com Take Your Blog to Work Day. I hope that you appreciate my honesty in this matter.

I could easily concoct a story detailing an overturned big-rig and my near fatal miss while tailgating him in my Daewoo.

But I won't.

I can insist that nobody told me of this event, and as a result, I went to go test out mattresses at Bed, Bath, and Beyond by bellyflopping on them from the dresser drawer section.

But that would be false.

I would tell you that it's a racial thing. Blogger.com doesn't appreciate the contribution of South Asians to this part of the Internet. Where else can you find humor, Bollywood gossip, and fish curry recipes all at the left-click of a mouse? But does blogger promote that? Of course not, they'd rather you be concerned with Demetrius in Helsinki's take on The Real World: Austin. Racist? Possibly. The truth?

Definitely not.

I had a heavy night of booze and biscuits. I drank 5 Newcastles and 2 shots of Tuaca. Then capped off my drunken stupor with a dessert of Whataburger's attempt at the McMuffin. This does happen. But we call that Friday

It's Tuesday.

Grandma called. She's sick. Her last wish was to see me. As much as I love to blog, I love my heritage too. And I'd hate to think that I missed her last few days on Earth because I wanted to rant about breakfast cereal. This is a situation I hope never happens.

And so far it hasn't

My dog ate my blog

I don't have a dog.

I was nestled underneath the covers. Warm, toasty. You know you're sound asleep when you have dreams of yourself sleeping. Spooning with Mr. Sandman. The Boogeyman sang me a lullaby. Who knew he had such a soothing tenor?

That's the truth.

I'll come into work tomorrow. Bright and early. 8am, I'm bringing Krispy Kreme. Early, I'll be. Bright? I can't guarantee that. See you Wednesday



Blogger Sue V. said...

You have a blog!!! I'm so excited...just one more blurb to read to amuse myself at work!!

8:21 AM  

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