Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Sir Nap-A-Lot

So if you haven't been to the homepage of my website then you're really missing out. Scroll down and look towards the southwest side of it. Those were sent to me by a friend of mine, so if you have pictures of your co-workers behaving the same way, feel free to e-mail me through my website, and each month I'll post them on my site. Then we can all laugh at their incompetence and narcolepsy together.

I shouldn't pass judgement because I myself have visited slumberland at the assorted jobs I've held. In fact I once got fired from a temp job because I dozed off at my cubicle. Do you understand? Fired from a temp job

"Yeah Paul, you weren't supposed to be here a long time and now we don't even want you here that long"

It's that cubicular boredom that prompted me to try stand-up comedy. I mean how bored do I have to be to just fall asleep onstage? The chances are slim. I didn't get into stand-up comedy to express myself creatively, to entertain the masses, or to destroy the South Asian stereotypes that pervade society. I'm telling jokes because it's the one thing I know I won't fall asleep doing

From now on if you want to leave comments you have to register with You don't have to create a blog but just register a screenname (Don't worry Indian people, it's free to sign up). I had to go back to only letting registered users leave comments because in the last few days my blog was being swamped with spam advertisements.

"I enjoyed your blog. Come check out mine. I have a great rundown on the perks of Sears aluminum siding"

No thank you. Spam mail is annoying and pestering. They're like the internet homeless.

"Hey..Excuse me sir..Would you like to reunite with your high school classmates?
Hey..Pardon me..Have you ever tried Cialis?"

The closest thing we have to getting in our car and leaving or pepper spraying those bastards is to block them by only allowing registered users. So here's to hoping that I never have to experience their spamhandling every again.

I'll blog to that.


Blogger I said...

That's a good idea. I'm gonna start selling sh*t here. When are you coming back to the smaller comedy places so I can name drop and get slammed by chicks with large thingies on their chest?

4:30 PM  
Blogger nobbya said...

Paul, say your show at the Claypit, Hillarious. Your jokes were good becuase they are so true.

Enjoyed it very much.

10:39 PM  

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