Friday, July 22, 2005

Buy or Cell

Why are these being advertised online? It's like getting a call on your cellphone from a pager company trying to sell you on a year-long service plan

My friend got an advertisement texted to his cellphone. That's annoying as is: the fact that spam has broken thru to a whole new medium. What was even more ridiculous was that the ad read "If you'd like to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send back a text message saying UNSUBSCRIBE "

How do you invade privacy then put the onus on the invadee to say something about it? You don't break into someone's house just because they never told you not to.

Hey, if you're gonna advertise on my cellphone then atleast sell relatable products

DRUNKGUARD (Much like a breathalyzer, you have to blow in the receiver and it decides if you're too drunk to dial. Prevents calls to the ex or any of their friends you've had a crush on)

AN "I'M NOT SCHIZOPHRENIC" FOREHEAD STICKER (To be worn when using one of those earpieces to talk through. Prevents you from being mistaken for a random babbling crack junkie)

MOOD RINGS (Ringtones that will give you different sounds according to the mood of the person calling from the other end. So like if your girlfriend/boyfriend is calling and they're pissed it plays like Prodigy's Smack My Bitch up or any Nine Inch Nails song, then you know not to answer it. If Jay-Z's Big Pimpin pops up, you know a night of random loving awaits)

VIDEO OPTIONS (So you can see what your friends are really doing when they're talking to you. Cellphones have given people the option to talk while doing anything, and by knowing what your friend is doing while he/she is talking to you can let you know where you stand on the buddy buddy totem pole. If she's talking to you while lying in bed naked [SCORE] If she's talking to you while lying in bed naked.. with someone else [YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED]

GEIGER COUNTER (I know that radiation is slowly leaking into my skull with every conversation. Just let me know how much. Not specifically in scientific increments that I wouldn't understand. Just give me an approximate countdown in years, days, and hours as to when exactly I will begin to slur my speech and grow a blowhole)

Finally I'd like to save as much money on my next cellphone bill as I did switching to Geico. So little lizard get to work.


Blogger Jenn said...

I need the Drunk Guard. Oh how I wish someone would invent one of those! Get to it Paul, big bucks!

2:51 PM  
Blogger I said...

I just came by to say Thanks Paul! (Thursday Appearance) Oh, when talking on the cell, wrap your head in foil. Blocks out death waves and I get channel 11 pretty clear that way too.

5:38 PM  
Blogger I said...

Hey! McLaughy lied to me! I feel so lied to, and insecure now. Yeah and I'm gonna do something bad because I am so distraught but probably not because McLaughy wont get it anyway.

9:37 PM  

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