Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fading Fast

So tomorrow I'll be in Miami to jump on a cruise ship to head to the Bahamas. I have no idea what to expect. I know that I will end up much darker than I did boarding the ship.

That's a big deal among the Indian community. Many Indian people still consider light-skinned people to be more attractive. Some actually think it's a sign of intelligence. To each their own as to what they consider more attractive but to think I'm dumber because of my skin color? That's implying that all of us Indians started off light-skinned and the second we did something wrong we dropped a shade. With this logic and this skin tone, I must've toiletpapered Mount Rushmore.

It's bad enough that racism still exists, but to have your own people judge you based on how dark you are is pathetic. As light-skinned an Indian as you think you are, there's always someone more light-skinned than you. I'd love to meet an Albino Indian just so I could come crawling to him in search of supreme knowledge and understanding of the universe. Every race has that sort of inner racism. Even in the Ku Klux Klan I bet there's one member who resents another because he has a freckle

That's a weird pigmentation. The freckle. Makes you wonder if a leopard's just a tiger who didn't put on sunblock. The fact that freckle rhymes with heckle makes sense. Because what's the 2 characters associated with freckles (Howdy Doody and Wendy's) Not exactly the manliest of personas. Black rhymes with smack for a reason (Bobby Brown and Ike Turner)


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