Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I've Lost It

As my brain slowly begins to dissolve, I begin to grasp into the air for inspiration. Grasp Grasp. Oh what's this? A floating piece of lint. Lint why are you floating? Are you lost in life? Have you no focus? I told you Lint, you should've stayed in school, paid attention in Algebra class, gone to college and done something with your life. But you insisted that you'd work right out of high school and take a semester off. Now here we meet again Lint, let me're still at community college, working on your basics? Do you really even know what those are or is that what the lady who enrolled you into community college told you to tell people if they ever ask where you go to school? Lint, I know you thought the band would make it. I know you thought the short film you made on your cousin's camcorder would make you a star. I know your entire financial independence rested on your girlfriend's uncle hooking you up with that job at Sears. But Lint, you can chase potential or make something of your life. Maybe school's just not for you. It's not for everybody. But quit fooling me with your dreams of being big and famous and how you're not able to achieve it yet because you have too much stuff to take care of right now but if you could you would be famous. Let me guess, the world ain't ready for ya Lint? Lint I know everyone else sucks and they're all holding you back but at some point, buck up and do the right thing or else you'll end up floating on and on not realizing that you live such a sad existence. Ending up in that lint trap of life. Waiting for someone to open up the dryer, remove you, only to start all back over again. Don't go down that route Lint. I believe in you

And so does my sweater. Hug me


Blogger Jenn said...

Paul, I bow to thee, the Master Blogger.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

It hurts Jenn. I've got 4 left. But no ideas. I may never do this again, cus it's draining creatively. I won't be funny for a month because of it.

1:59 PM  
Blogger RaJaWi said...

lint is actually my hero...he has lead such a terrific life...too bad my uncle couldn't get him the job at sears...

4:26 PM  

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