Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The King Kong trailer is online. I'll watch it just because you have to. I just remember when monster movies weren't supposed to be scary. Some Japanese guy in a lizard suit jumping up and down, knocking down planes attached to fishing line. Monster movies shouldn't be scary. Movies, in general, shouldn't be scary. Life is scary as is. I don't want a movie that makes me scared to whisper Candyman into a mirror. You know what we used to call that? A fun Friday night. Just ruin everything I love to do Hollywood. I eagerly await Freddie Prinze Jr. and Rose McGowan in

The Blog: No Entry Allowed

I just got a jury summons. That's right, America needs me. I'd love to stay and blog but I need to start preparing for what could be a grueling 2 weeks of testimony. I'm ready this time. I know what I need to say to get on a jury.

"I know nothing. I'm married, so I have no opinion of my own. Exploit my ignorance."

Most don't want to be on a jury, but people, I got blog entries to blog, jokes to jot, comedy to construct, ideas to ideologize. The only time I ever went to jury duty we were all stuck there for an hour because one of the people in the jury pool insisted that she knew the defendant from somewhere. It was like watching someone at their high school reunion, except this lady would not let it go. It was a murder case and after an hour of hearing her try to place his face, I just stood up

"Look lady, do you want him to murder you too?"

Well I would've said that but I was too busy eating the paint off the wall. It's strange what boredom will do to even the most normal of human beings. I don't condone any crime but if she had rambled on any longer, that whole jury pool would've bludgeoned her with our summons cards.

Coming this Fall
Jury Duty: Death Sentence


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