Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Nine:Twelve Ay.Emm

I performed in a bar last night. Typical bar patrons. The drunk guy playing pool. The coked-up guy in the wifebeater. And amongst all that madness

A 2 year old

I normally have problems with people bringing their kids to any adult venue. We've done shows at comedy clubs where they'll bring their kids. There's certain places that kids just don't need to be. I'm not a dirty comedian but I don't agree with kids showing up to a place where adults frequent. Adults are at Chuck E. Cheese, but that's just because the kids can't drive themselves. If it was legal for a toddler to get behind the wheel, it'd be a Lord of the Flies atmosphere in there. Plus, the parking situation would be completely screwed. Infants can't stay inside the lines, whether it's coloring or parking

Maybe if the 2 year old was hideous, you could understand why they brought them.

"Yeah I brought my kid to a smoky bar, but look at this genetic concoction. Can you blame me? I'll buy a beer for you just cus you had to look at him"

But this 2 year old was adorable. She reminded me and all the other people in that bar what we once had


The NBA Draft was last night. I love watching it and realized last night that I'm watching other people get hired. We're watching people start careers. How come nobody televised my decision to be a comedian? I'd love to have cameras pointed at my parents when I announced my intentions to spread gigglicious cheer to the drunken masses. They're speechless. They grab a framed picture of my sister, silently thinking to themselves that 1 out of 2 ain't bad.

My sister's a priest. There's no profession that I could ever get that would top that. I know that when I finally do make it as a comedian. I've got 4 HBO specials under my belt. A highly successful sitcom. I'm a mover. I'm a shaker. My sister'll become Pope

Back to Plan B: Vegas Lounge Singer


Blogger steve said...

So what is the dress code at your 'office'? Business casual? Jeans day? Boxers and a t-shirt?

7:31 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

It's Weird Tie Wednesday today at

7:42 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

When your sister becomes pope, will you rip up a photo of her on national television? Fight the real enemy! :D

7:54 AM  

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