Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Eight O'Clock ish

I'm up. 2 alarms made me do it.

So as stated before, this is the 1st ever Take your Blog to Work Day. This is where I (the full-time comic) wake up and blog away as if I was a member of the Responsible Real Job Community. Visions of 401K dancing in my head. It's blog entries every 30 minutes so it almost kinda feels like work minus the annoying co-workers and micromanaging

In order to feel like I'm trapped in a dead end-job I constructed my own cubicle out of posterboard from my old science fair projects. I'm also having my cousin walk in every 10 minutes and lean over my cubicle to bore me to death with his stories about last night. I don't drink coffee and drinking Dr. Pepper at this early in the morning just feels creepy.

The president had a speech last night. Now I'm not gonna get political on you, but he always has this weird lip quiver whenever he talks. Like he's about to laugh. I say Let it Out George. America could use a president who doesn't take his job, or himself, seriously. It'd be very Jimmy Fallon of him if every 3 minutes during his speeches he'd go

"And we will continue to spread the idea of democracy to nations that...I'm sorry..Anyone see that episode of Family Guy where he lies to get a welfare check?..He builds a moat around his house and..oh you just had to see it..that show kills me"

Well it's past 8:00 now and I was supposed to have this blog in by 8. My team leader a.k.a my Chia Pet will be very upset.

Oh by the way..Can I borrow your stapler?


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