Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Positive Regression

It's two months until my high school reunion, and I'm still unsure whether to go. I'd like to think I could handle it, but the memories are so annoyingly irritating, why would I wanna relive it? There's two schools of thought when it comes to how to approach your reunion. Some people tell me to go because you'll have a great time. Some say that I shouldn't go and that it's a miserable time. The first group I call "the popular kids" the second group were "nerds like me"

I've never shaken the nerd status. I just assume no one can tell I'm a nerd because I stay well hidden behind my Gandalf beard. I'd like to think I'm much more confident now than I was then. But I think seeing all the girls now that never dug me back then would just make me revert back to adolescent Paul who sat with the Asian immigrant kids at lunch because the hot girls didn't want me at their table.

I did learn to speak Vietnamese though. I learned "loser", "let me borrow your homework" and "pizza day". Thank you Truong Nguyen. If you had never told me such things, I'd never have been so cultured.

I'm O.B ing today (over-blogging) just to see if I can do it and it is the biggest mental collapse I've felt in a while. I've never stretched my creativity to the point to where it looks like it'll never snap back but I think I've reached that point. I didn't want to talk about the struggle of blogging 17 times in one day, but my brain's goo. Soupy. I don't feel funny. And I still have a couple of more blogs to go. Shhh. If you close your eyes, you can hear my blog trainer barking at me to keep going

"Two More Varghese! Feel the Burn!"


Blogger Doug said...

As far as I can remember, my high school class had a 10th & 20th reunion, which I didn't attend. Our 25th would have 2004, but I never heard anything about it.

You surely weren't as nerdy as I was.

Your blogging has really progressed since you started. Good job. If you like, check out mine at


Doug Weiss

9:52 PM  

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