Monday, June 06, 2005

U.O. Me 2: The Return

Due to the responses I got off my last post, I decided to compose a follow-up blog entry, really a blog sequel.

I would never let a grudge consume me as to affect what I do for a living. I would never let the grudger get satisfaction through that. However, I am motivated by negative things. A grudge might as well be the theme to Rocky, 8 Mile, Laverne and Shirley

So with that out the way, don't cry for me Blogentinas. I'll be fine. It's all being channelled into jokes about moths, sherpas, and an escape pod in a pear tree

Today is officially the four year anniversary of my first ever time on stage performing stand-up. Last year's anniversary co-incided with me being on TV. This year finds me performing in a smoky bar with $2.00 Draft specials. Some may view that as a step back. I see every performance as a step forward. In the end, I'm doing what I love to do and could never imagine not doing it. All my friends are making great money. I'm broke. I should be homeless. But the passion for what I do, makes me want to keep doing it and doing it and doing it well (Shout-out to LL)

I think that may be the hardest thing for someone without a passion to understand. Yeah money's nice. But I've never had alot of money, so I can't imagine living with it. I've always had ambition and passion. And I've always valued that so much more. I have friends scrapping through their jobs because it's a paycheck. They're basically working towards a vacation. My career is my vacation. The last 4 years of my life have been the most exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling moments of my life because I'm doing what I love to do. Where it takes me? Who knows. But sitting in a cubicle and playing the "what if" game never appealed to me. It's easy to not chase after a dream and avoid failure. That way you can always sit around at a bar and tell your friends "Yeah I would be a comedian if I didn't have my day job." Failure scares all of us. But it's not even trying to chase the dream that scares me even more. If I fail.. I fail. But no one will ever say that I didn't give it my best

Now time to go heat up some Top Ramen


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