Wednesday, March 30, 2005

'Twas the season

I haven't hunted for an Easter egg in a while. Hunt is the wrong word. After all, I'm not dressed in camouflage, hollering out Easter Egg calls.

"Paas! Paas!"

That reference is just for me.

From the ages of 3-7, me and my sister would go searching for hidden eggs, but she had like a 4 year advantage over me. She'd find them all. I was left with nothing. She's eating an Easter Egg omelette, I'm still in the backyard looking behind the lawn house. She'd then come outside after breakfast and say,"There's some more in here Paul!"

Wow. You hid one behind the couch pillow. I was 5 and even then I knew that was a sympathy egg. What are you gonna do next, hide them in the fridge?

I do remember every year that eventually I would go into my room for 5 minutes and my sister would go out and hide the eggs again for me. And I'd run outside and start looking. And I still wouldn't be able to find them so I'd do the whole temperature skit.

"Am I hot? Am I getting warmer? How bout now? Colder? Hotter? Tepid?"

And she'd always do that extreme answer to where like one step in either direction would dramatically alter your temperature

"Warmer..warmer. You're burning up. Now you're cold. Ice Ice. Hypothermia! Heat stroke!"

Nerve-wracking for a 5-year old kid who still got anxiety attacks trying to color inside the lines.

I just wished I could get away with that on a first date, so I'd know if she was into me.

(wink wink) Warmer (pay the bill) You're on fire! (lean in for the kiss) Frostbite.


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