Thursday, April 07, 2005

Perish the thought

I lost my cellphone

Traumatic. Life-altering really, because I have no back-up plan when it comes to losing my cellphone.

Gone is the little black book that used to store the digits
Gone is the trusty friend or relative who could shout me out a number from across the room
Gone is my ability to text message
Gone is the ability to play "Solitaire" at a moment's notice
Gone is my way of looking like I'm an important somebody when feeling insecure

All that. Gone

But then I found it.

Perfect time to misplace it too, because I needed a reason to blog.

I was buying some Swiss Miss Hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. And right on the box it said "No artificial sweeteners" Yeah because we all know marshmallows grow naturally in the wild.

"Kids, it's been a rough winter for us. We're not gonna have any S'mores this year."

"But Pa, it's Christmas"

"Well Ezekiel, the locusts done ate all our mallow crop. What are we to do? I thought I got rid of the critters after they devoured my Fruit-Roll up bushes but they went from there to the Pop-Tart patch."

Ezekiel died that winter..

He was 6.


Blogger Matthew said...

Yeah, I lost my cell phone once. I thought my life was over. But then I realized no one ever called me to begin with. So then I felt better. But then I felt worse. Much, much worse.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

The "mellow" root? I think you may be talking about weed. I looked it up before I typed it, and I know that it orignally started with some kind of plant. But now with the right amount of sugar you can make it at home. I doubt that they could be completely natural now, being that you can't make apples at home. Who knows..Maybe I didn't Google hard enough.

5:32 PM  
Blogger steve said...

Marshmallows are made of geletin, not roots or sugar. Sugar is added to sweeten them.

3:09 PM  
Blogger I said...

Doof! That's a good thing.

5:05 PM  
Blogger I said...

I lost my phone once. I drilled a hole in the front of my TV and adjusted the remote finder to hit my phone. After setting off several car alarms and shocking the neighbors dog who was on an electronic collar, I found my phone. It was in my back pocket. I was surprised however that the cord plugged into the wall did not tip me off as to where it was. Had I been smarter I would have just called my buddy and had him call me back so I could hear the ring.

9:32 AM  

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